With the news of the abuse of HOAs around the country, it is more important than ever to protect your rights and your investment in your home. Please, create an account and sign the petition.

Ward Lucas & The HOA Hell Blog

LOL! Forgive me, but I’m corrupt enough to use any kind of inflammatory headline to get you to read deeper. And no, of course you are not dummies…UNLESS you refuse to consider signing the petition to the White House composed by George Staropoli, a man who is a giant in the world of HOA reason and Constitutionalism.

The left is all abuzz about a few on the right who are proposing seceeding from the Republic because of the results of the last election. First, those well-meaning people have an absolute right to propose secession to express their opinion. Second, secession won’t work, that’s what national elections are all about. If you don’t like it, vote for someone new in the next election. Just change it.

But the third point is a whopper! And it took someone of Staropoli’s clear-headed thinking to come up with it.

Homeowners Associations, as private non-profit corporations, preside…

View original post 195 more words

Posted on November 21, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. When you start off calling me Dummy, you are not going to get my support. I don’t care what the petition is about.

  2. When you call ME dummy I figure you probably know me pretty well. What the hell. I’ll sign.

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